
The IKEA Kids Club



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FAQs for småles

All you wanted to know about
being a Smålish citizen!

Who is Sara?

Sara is the Quing of Småland. A giant red furry heart who has been taking care of Småland for over 1,000 years.

To find out more about Sara, click here.

What is the responsibility of a småle?

To take care of your passport. Take care of yourself. Take care of fellow småles. And lastly, take care of the magical forest, including the Bug House and småles shroom. Treat the surroundings with respect and love.

Does Sara live in the Småland playroom at the IKEA stores?

The Småland playroom at the IKEA stores is a replica of the real Småland because the real Småland is only found by the most courageous!

Background of Småland



What can I do with my Smålish dållars and sänts?

You can use them to redeem for merchandise like småles T-shirt and other things and also sign up for exciting activities like art and craft!

What happens when my visit credits have reached the maximum of 10 Smålish dållars?

When you scan at the småles shroom, no more visit credits will be recorded and neither will you receive any more stickers. However, you can still withdraw your Smålish dållars to redeem items and print your meal coupon for each day.

How can I earn more Smålish dållars?

Bring newspapers back for recycling and earn green credits. Or take part in contests featured in the Bug News to earn green credits.

How do I make a redeem something?

Simply scan your passport at the småles shroom and withdraw the amount you need by printing a money coupon. Bring this coupon to the Bug House and make your redemption.

Can I combine passports to pay on behalf of another småle for participation in an activity?

Yes, you can. We want you to have fun together with your siblings, cousins and friends. If they don't have enough money in their account, be a good sport and help them top up the amount or pay for their activity.

Remember that this only applies if the other person is also an active småles citizen.

Can my parents or another person use my passport to scan at the småles shroom?

No, according to Småland rules, you cannot allow another person to use your passport or småles shroom without you being there. This applies to usage of the free drink and discounted kid's meal coupon. Only a småle is entitled to this benefit.

Can my parents redeem merchandise or recycle paper for me?

Every småle is responsible for his/her own Smålish account. If you want to withdraw or earn dållars for redeeming merchandise or recycling paper, you'll have to come down to the Bug House to do so. If you need help, you can rope in your parents to give you a hand.

Do my Smålish dållars expire?

Yes, your dållars will expire. Dållars earned for one calendar year (Jan-Dec) will expire on 31 Dec two years later. You dållars will also expire at the end of your 13th birthday month, whichever is earlier. For example, dållars earned between Jan to Dec 2012 will expire on 31 Dec 2014.

What are green credits and how do I earn them?

Green credits are given to reward småles for doing a good "green" deed. Bring newspapers down for Sara's paper porridge. Every 1kg of newspapers you bring down will earn you 1 green credit. Look out for "green" contests in the Bug News to earn credits too!

What can I do with my green credits?

You can redeem your green credits for Smålish dållars. Every 3 green credits will earn you $0.50 Smålish dållars.

Do my green credits expire?

Yes, the green credits in your småles account will expire. Green credits earned for one calendar year (Jan-Dec) will expire on 31 December two years later. Dållars redeemed through your green credits will expire on 31 December, two years from the date of redemption.

Membership benefits



What happens after I turn 13 years old?

You would receive a letter from us on the month of your 13th birthday. Enjoy a free slice of princess cake at the IKEA Restaurant as a gift from us to you, and wishing you more fun and adventures in the world outside Småland.

Why can't I be a Smålish citizen after I turn 13 years old?

We would have loved to keep you as a Smålish citizen forever, but everytime a human turns 13 (on their birthday), they become invisible to us and since we won't be able to see you, we could walk right into you! It has been this way for all giant red and furry hearts for over 1,000 years. And the digestive system of an 13-year-old will also not be able to digest the paper porridge that Smålish citizens eat. That's why we will have to say Hej då when you get older. But don't be sad, because we and all other Smålish citizens will always remember each other.

When will I receive my 13th birthday letter?

You will receive your 13th birthday letter 1 -2 weeks before your 13th birthday month. Remember to update your mailing address if you move to a new place!

Membership expiry



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The IKEA Kids Club